Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Zombie Muffins & A Challenge!

I love zombies. Not sure why. While the world seems all caught up in vampire madness - I toss those bloodsucking bastards to the side and would rather get me a zombie any day of the week. And with Halloween just around the corner, I've been thinking to myself - if zombie's weren't so into eating human flesh, and all that jazz, what would they eat? What sort of cakes, cookies, muffins would get them more giggly-happy and less cannabilistic brain munchy?

I made some muffins over the weekend - Pumpkin/Apple/Cranberry. Perhaps it's still the ick-factor I feel when dealing with pumpkin-puree, but I suspect zombie's would have been all up in these muffins' business.
Or apple pie filling - the warm cinnamon, butter, apple magic getting all mushy and delicious... that seems PERFECT for zombie consumption! (On a completely separate note - I made an AMAZING apple pie this weekend FROM SCRATCH and I'm all but positive my own father thinks I bought it and tried to pass it off as my own.... I will resume therapy next week.)

What does this have to do with the greatest bakery that has yet to exist? I would love if Strong Cupcake offered some special treats just for the holidays. And I mean ALL HOLIDAYS! There'd be the basic Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Thanksgiving type provisions - but I'd want to provide desserts for the most ridiculous and little-known holidays one can find.

So, your newest challenge... for the many holidays I've got listed below, I want your thoughts as to what the perfect dessert would be to represent this holiday. For the ones I like - I will attempt to make said dessert and send it to you! Sound good?

Here you have it (I'm not making these up!):
National Talk Like a Pirate Day
White Cane Safety Day
For Pete's Sake Day
Lips Appreciation Day
Chuck Norris's Birthday (That would be March 10, and though not an official holiday - I celebrate all the glory that is Chuck Norris!)
National Wheelchair Beautification Day
Volunteer Blood Donor Day
Get Organized Day
Hand Washing Awareness Day
Holy Humor Day
Frog Day

Okay, you've officially been challenged. Don't let me down, people!


  1. What about-
    Festival Of Sleep Day - (January 3)
    Peculiar People Day - (January 10)
    Thomas Crapper Day! -January 27)
    Squirrel Appreciation Day - (January 27)
    Awkward Moments Day - Mar4ch 18
    Snowman Burning Day - March 20
    Tweed Day - April 3
    Wear your pajamas to work day - April 16
    International Nose Picking Day - April 23
    National Bubba Day - June 2
    Stupid Guy Thing Day - june 22
    Cow Appreciation Day july 18
    National Lazy Day - August 10
    Wiggle Your Toes Day - August 6

  2. What about Tim Burton day? I vote cookies shaped like the shrubs from Edward Scissorhands. Or possible the scissorhands themselves.
