Friday, September 18, 2009

What adventures may come...

This log is a response to a Facebook Status. After a difficult day at work, I took a moment, closed my eyes, and imagined owning my own bakery.
Now, I'm no fool - I have no preconceived notions that owning a bakery is anything short of extremely difficult work. But I still find myself daydreaming about the glories of owning my own shop o'happiness on days when I just feel like I'm banging my head against a wall.

But - back to the Facebook Status. I posted:
Hey, Social Workers! Who's up for ditching our careers and just opening a dessert shop?

It was a pretty harmless post... and received nearly as many responses as when I posted I was engaged. Actually, I received more responses the next day - from teachers, development staff, counselors, students. I even got a phone call.

So, this got me thinking - what to do with all this creative energy?

Short answer - I have no idea. So, against all better judgement, I've opened this blog to see what formulates.

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