In general, I spend my day to day working with families in ABSOLUTE SUCK situations. But sometimes, a bright spot opens up!
I'm working with a young family who is adopting - they are one of the sweetest families I have ever met and every time they bring their baby to my office, I just about melt. (I then proceed to make note to harass Jay about turning me into a baby-maker. He does not appreciate my interuterine desires, but I'm working on it.)
Anyhoo, I realize in writing my "Big Space" idea about Strong Cupcake... I left out a play space! There's a bread store near my office, Big Sky ( that reserves a corner of it's dining area for little bakers. There's a play oven, cookie cutters, and big ol' buckets of unused bread dough to play with.
Yeah, Strong Cupcake is totally stealing that idea. Cause that's how I roll.
This way, should the sweetest family in the world stop on by for some coffee and a cookie, their wee tot can get in on the action and have some fun.
In the meantime, if anyone out in cyberland feels like procrastinating and designing my bakery, I'd love if someone with an actual sense of space could draw pretty pictures for me!
Okay, must get back to work.... this week has felt way longer than necessary and I'm getting myself all pumped up to make some good ol' fashioned Jew-y noodle kugel for a pot luck on Sunday. Yeah, Jew Food!!!
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