Saturday, November 28, 2009

Nipple cOOkies!

Okay, I've been on Sabbatical while trying to lose weight. It's a funny thing - I try to eat healthy and suddenly I'm not baking my dream foods.
Well, that shit stops right now!

My newest declaration....
I promise myself I will do my best to make healthy eating choices and to get my jiggly ass and squishy tummy to workout a bit more. In exchange, I will bake as much as I damn well want to and enjoy the goods!

I'm currently in Connecticut, enjoying a post Thanksgiving weekend with my future in-laws and my soon-to-be hubbilicous. It's been a great weekend - lots of laughter, celebrating my mankins birthday, and lots of just laying around and relaxing. Exactly what the weekend of Thanksgiving should be. As I write this, he-who-will-soon-be-legally-bound-to-me and his dad are checking digital camera reviews on the computer and I lost interest in the conversation about 30 seconds after it started.
What better way to use this space of time than to catch up with some blogginess?

As I'd mentioned, I don't have much to write. I haven't been baking as much, but I've still got big dreams about Strong Cupcake and what a fan-freakin-tastic shop it's going to be someday.

I did try making some cookies with only a mini-recipe to follow. I'm testing myself to see if I can go recipe free at some point. The attached photos will show you my FAIL in this regard.

I call these cookies "Nipple Cookies". Here's where my major FAIL occured. I had found some intriguiging sounding hershey kisses at Hannafords. They were candy corn flavored and candy corn colored kisses. I saw them, and immediately had to have them... what can I say? I like shiny things - and these little suckers were all shiny and glorious looking. I brought the little buggers home and decided to make chocolate chip cookies with these little suckers in the middle. At no point did I reference a recipe explaining how one would do this succesfully. And so, at the end of my adventure - I was left with cookies only a porn star could love.

As I review the above photo (and the several photos of my betrothed using the cookies as mock eyes and mock nipples), I feel I've learned a valuable lesson. USE A FLIPPIN' RECIPE! Or, at least reference a cook book or website that provides SOME sort of insight into how to successfully create a cookie you wouldn't be embarrassed to give your grandmother.

So, add one more "To Do" to the Strong Cupcake list. Any and all customers are encouraged to bring in copies of their favorite recipes to share with the world. Actually, I think I want all the walls painted with chalkboard paint and folks can just write their recipes directly on the wall!

Man, sometimes my brilliance amazes me.